17 Oct. to 4 Nov. 2022

Virtual Event by

Socialmedia content

The image to the left may be used in social media to promote the event. A message accompanying the graphic might include the following:

Technology leaders, policy makers, researchers, and concerned computing professionals are joining together this month to explore current and emerging challenges and responses to Hate Speech, Extremism, Exploitation, Misinformation and Disinformation.

These discussions are part of the IEEE Computer Society’s Tech Forum on Digital Platforms and Societal Harms, a free online global event sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society – the world’s leading membership organization dedicated to computer science and technology.

For more details, or (for a limited) to register for a free pass granting access to all sessions, visit: https://ieeecstforum.wpengine.com/

Official posts that can be shared include:

Press release

The Press Release for the event may be republished and circulated by news organizations, bloggers, in news letters, and on websites. It can also be linked to and shared via social media. 

The press release is available at:  https://www.computer.org/press-room/2022-news/digital-platforms-societal-harms-tech-forum

Flyer / Poster

This poster can be downloaded as an image for sharing online / printing (save the image to the left).

This poster can be downloaded can be saved as an image for sharing online (save the image to the left), or downloaded here as a PDF for printing.